Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Help to Make the Pledge!

Patriots, we're making a difference! Despite being told to "shut up and stand aside," we're getting our message out and shaking the Party System.

Now, let's take the opportunity to show who the liars are, and make every Candidate answer whether they stand for our shared principles.

Between now and December 31st, we'll gather simple declarations of principle. Please be brief.
We'll post these principles and craft as simple a Pledge as possible on January 31st, 2010.
This Pledge, a simple statement of bedrock principle, will be made available for every Patriot to sign, and will be sent to every Candidate possible, regardless of Party affiliation.

Those Candidates who choose to support these simple principles will be published online, and be made available for linking to any site.

Thanks for participating, Patriots! 

Please post your ideas for the Pledge here, as comments to this post.